Used Equipment Sale 9/14 @ 9am

GRAHA’s Used Equipment Sale will take place at Patterson Ice Center starting at 9am through 12pm. Come find some new-to-you gear for the upcoming season! Great for those skaters just beginning hockey.

Selling Used Equipment?

GRAHA supplies a unique number to each seller. All items must be marked with a price and room to put the assigned number on it. Drop off sale items between 8:00-9:00 AM on September 14th at the main entrance of Patterson Ice Center. If you cannot drop them off at that time, contact Jean at to get the paperwork and drop off Friday between 9:00-3:00 PM to the rink. Items are sold on consignment with GRAHA taking 20% and the seller gets the rest. If items are not picked up by noon on the day of the sale the items are considered donated, and a check will be mailed for any items that were sold.

GRAHA is not responsible for any items lost or stolen