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Week 5 (7/17/23): Bodyweight Speed Workout

By Mike LaVallee, 06/18/23, 2:26PM EDT


Video: Bodyweight Speed Workout


Superset #1: Vertical Power 

  1. Split Squat into return stance: 3 Sets of 3 per leg (no rest)

  2. Quarter Squats into Squat Jump: 3 Sets of 8 (90s rest between sets)

Superset #2: Horizontal Power

  1. Broad Jump: 3 Sets of 6 Jumps

  2. Single Leg Hip Thrusts: 3 Sets of 8 per side

Superset #3: Kinetic Chain

  1. Lateral Reaching Lunge: 4 Sets of 5 per leg (no rest)

  2. Mountain Climber Burpee: 4 Sets of 4 (90s rest between sets)